
segunda-feira, setembro 04, 2006

Os contadores de histórias, como os apóstolos
são pescadores de homens (e de mulheres também!)

"I would ask you to remember this one thing. The stories people tell have a way of taking care of them. If stories come to you, care for them. And learn to give them away where they are needed. Sometimes a person needs a story more than food to stay alive. That is why we put these stories in each other's memory. This is how people care for themselves. . . . Never forget these obligations."
Barry Lopez, Crow and Weasel.

As human beings, all of us tell and listen to stories. Often, we use words to tell about our own exploits, the deeds and misdeeds of family members, the strange and inexplicable adventures of others, and the journeys of some rather magical, once-upon-a-time characters. Sometimes we tell stories through things such as quilts and carvings and embroidery.
Whatever our medium, the aim is the same: to hook the audience and entice them into traveling along, into listening. As writer Susan Lowell reminds us, "Storytellers, like apostles, are fishers of men [and women]."
Dr. Margaret R. Yocom

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Na minha terra conta-se que, no inverno, à lareira, quando ainda não havia as modernices de hoje, pais e avós juntavam-se para contar histórias. As mães diziam: Venham meninos vamos às contas! Claro que não eram só os meninos que se juntavam. Era a família inteira e mais os vizinhos e até os animais que lá por casa passeavam se aninhavam para saborear mais uma noite de histórias, contos, ditos e mexericos...